Friday, November 9, 2012

The Most Amazing Ever

This blog will be amazing. One day. As soon as I have some time to write. Also, once I've solidly built my reputation (hahahaha), an ark (END OF DAYS), a fortress (zombies are so hot right now), a credible writing career (que the hahahahas), or something of substance (i.e., have a good idea).

I'm also a mom. That's the BEST excuse ever. Haven't showered in days? Mom. Haven't eaten anything but junk in months? Mom. Haven't put any effort into sexy time? Mom. Late to everything? Mom.

My plan is to pop out more kids (yeah right, they pop out) every few years so that I my excuse never wears out. Because my previous excuse that I was nearly trampled to death by an elephant, which I have been using since senior year of high school, has run its course. When I tried it recently, instead of being met with laughter I was met with pity. Pity for the elephants. "Sad you dragged them into this lame excuse."

So this Most Amazing Ever will be launching. Some day. I think.

Until then, check out my other persona at Pregphobic and Pregnant. I am relaunching that as well! Follow me on Twitter (@sararosswitt) for more profound thoughts/elephant excuses.

Elephants being amazing!